Billy and Dom Eat the World
BY Yako Molhov
Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan are probably the world’s most famous and beloved couple of friends thanks to their impersonation of the adventurous hobbits Merry and Pippin from Peter Jackson’s film trilogy The Lord of the Rings. Every time the funny pair would appear on screen, they would provoke smiles, providing much needed moments of lightness and relief just when things seem most dramatic in the films.

Luckily, in their latest project Billy and Dom Eat the World the drama and suspense are totally out, and only fun and brightness prevail in their adventures with food, stories, people and places. As Billy and Dom, real-life friends for over 25 years, tell Yako Molhov, their new trip around the world will be no different than the one they enjoyed in Middle Earth, with the real emotions of two best buddies.
Billy, Billy and Dom Eat the World is a six-episode food travelog. How was the idea for the series born? What was your main inspiration alongside the fact that you already had a segment called ‘Eat the World’ as part of your podcast ‘The Friendship Onion’?
Billy: The idea did come from the podcast. We loved trying food from all different places, normally brought in by a guest of the show, but even more than the flavors the most interesting thing were the stories behind the food, where they first tasted it, where it came from, why people made it, how these foods told stories of a place and its people and history, how the food changes as the people and times change, we always thought it was fascinating and knew it would make a great TV show, looking at a place, people, community through the food they eat.

Sphere Abacus are presenting the series at this year’s MIPCOM. What will viewers around the world like the most about the series and do you focus more on the travel and adventure or on the food part?
Billy: I would hope that people are entertained and get a laugh from Dom and I’s adventures, I would think that is most important for us, it should be entertaining, but also take a look at a foreign culture or place and some insights about that through the food they eat. We were blown away by the people we met, great passion for a food or history, when you talk to someone about their passion it is always interesting and enlightening. Some great tips on cooking from great chefs thrown in there as well.

How many hours did you shoot and have you planned a second season?
Billy: Like I said, the people we met were amazing so we have far more footage than we can fit in one season, we could make two seasons easy from what we have, maybe we can have special longer episodes at some point? But yes, definitely a second season, there are so many places and foods we want to see and tell their story…. very exciting.

Dom: Not sure exactly how many hours we shot but 8 different territories for the first season and we are always coming up with ideas for the second season. The world is a fascinating place. I want to see all of it.

You are known to be real-life best friends. How has this friendship helped you during filming, were there moments which tested your friendship, as it often happens with buddies travelling the globe?
Billy: The trips were all so much fun there was no testing of our friendship, but I do think having a 25-year friendship is very helpful with this kind of shooting. We help each other when one is tired or jet lagged, like I lost my voice in the London episode so Dom took all the heavy lifting for a day or two, but we wrote that into the show as we headed to China town as a west end musical actress told me about a miracle cure for a lost voice you can find there. We love things like that, keep the show real and honest, much easier if you are real friends.

Dom: No, I can’t think of moments in which our friendship was tested during the shoot. On the contrary, sharing fun experiences always helps a relationship and Billy and I have been jet lagged and busy together many times, so we are used to it. Knowing each other well helps us navigate the shoot. I rarely want to know what I’m walking into, and I think this helps with how Billy prepares for his stance in a shoot. We complement each other and where one has strengths and weaknesses the other seems to have the opposite in different areas.

What are the different locations you visit throughout the series and how did you choose them?
Billy: Great locations! Mainly picked because we immediately knew there were great stories we wanted to tell there. Gin makers in the Hebrides. Ian McKellen’s pub in London. Barbeque in Texas.

Dom: Outer Hebrides. London. California. Texas. Japan. Switzerland. And a couple more yet to be revealed. We pick locations where we can tell original exciting stories.

You play the roles of two Middle-Earth hobbits in The Lord of the Rings trilogy - Merry and Pippin - who set on their own adventure which brought many funny moments. Can viewers expect similar dynamics in Billy and Dom Eat the World?
Billy: Exactly that. In the same way as Merry and Pippin try to find fun and fellowship everywhere they go, I think Dom and I are the same (maybe we learnt that from them). We are incredibly interested in people’s stories and people want to share them. It makes for fun, interesting adventures.

You reunite with Sir Ian McKellen, who played Gandalf in the trilogy, in the first episode of the travel series when you visit his London pub The Grapes. How did this meeting go?
Billy: Ian is one of our great actors, with a lifetime of great stories. We always love seeing him and to catch up with him in his real home, London, where he told us how that city has affected and changed him was incredible. Not to mention us all taking a stroll down memory lane, back to Middle Earth...I think we ended up singing as well!?

Dom: It’s always great to see Ian. He is a wonderful human. It’s a special time when seeing a member of the fellowship and even though we were busy, Billy and I were able to go for a walk on the beach with Ian and catch up on all of our lives. It was very special.

Warner Bros. announced that it will be producing new The Lord of the Rings movies together with Peter Jackson, the first of which will premiere in 2026. Will fans ever see Merry and Pippin reunite on the big screen?
Billy: Who knows. But I can tell them they’ll definitely see me and Dom running round the world, slowly eating it.

Dom: Who knows! That’s like asking Huckleberry Finn if he will feature in a new Mark Twain book! We don’t write the films! But of course, spending time in Middle Earth was very special and if they can find a way I would love to play a hobbit again. But how can you TOP The Lord of the Rings?!
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